Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Learning the Basics of Teaching English

Teaching English in the Classroom

Deciding to move abroad and teach English is one of the biggest decisions that I have made in my life. One major task involved in this will be learning the basics of effectively teaching students where English is the second language. My background thus far includes many years in the mental health field which involved extensive one-on-one counseling with patients. The last few years I have worked in a supervisory role in the hospitality industry. This new change in career paths promises to be one of the most challenging yet.

After searching through many websites and blogs that focused on teaching English as a second language, I realize that there is so much to learn. Proper techniques of organizing classroom time, interacting with students and effectively developing conversation skills are but a few of the things that I plan to concentrate on in the immediate future. Aside from this, I have started researching TEFL classes online. I have watched a few videos from several different schools but have not decided exactly how I want to proceed with this.

One thing I plan to do here at this blog is share some of the classroom techniques that I find. I would welcome any interaction with others who have followed a similar career choice.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Looking for TEFL Resources Online

Teaching English Abroad- Online Resources

I have started discovering the many resources available online regarding teaching English as a second language and must say that I am truly amazed. As I only recently made the decision to do move abroad and pursue this career path, there are certain areas that I want to focus on before going.

Two areas that I have started researching are classroom techniques and tips on dealing with students in this learning environment. The sheer amount of articles and videos that I have found are amazing! So many people that have gone abroad and taught English have shared their wonderful experiences online. I plan to share many of these finds here in future posts.

Here is just one of the videos that I came across this morning which focuses on teaching English with games:

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Izalco Volcano El Salvador

Izalco Volcano is located in western El Salvador and is a national icon. Izalco erupted almost continuously from 1770 (when it formed) to 1958 earning it the nickname of "Lighthouse of the Pacific". The volcano was featured on the 10 colón bank note when in circulation. I came across this wonderful video which offers a close look at this natural wonder.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

A Day to Reflect

Planning my move to El Salvador.

Just a quick update on what is going on. Today is the first day that I have sat down and really took stock of what all is going to be involved in my move to El Salvador. From deciding what I really need to take with me to tying up all loose ends, I have realized this is going to be quite an undertaking! I know that this life change will be so rewarding and all of the work will definitely be worth it.

As I still have to work full time, I am getting ready to go now but plan to start going through the house when I get home tonight. Putting your life in a few suitcases is no small feat! I plan to post some pics soon showing my progress.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

El Salvador- A Beautiful Slideshow

When visiting El Salvador in the past, I was amazed at the many natural wonders present in this small country. I came across this video today showcasing the country's wonders and wanted to share with you. Music is "Porcelain" by Moby.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

My Journey To El Salvador

Santa Ana El Salvador

My name is Bruce and I welcome you to my new blog! I plan to share my adventures as I prepare for a new life abroad teaching English in Santa Ana, El Salvador. I first visited the country in 1995 and instantly fell in love with the culture and the wonderful people there. My plan was to go back as soon as possible but I was unable to do so. I have visited again, the last time being in 2008. I have met some really good friends and stay in contact even today.

As life goes by, I have decided once again to return. This time I plan to stay. I have worked hard all of my adult life and have been greatly affected by the economic downturn in the last few years. Even with a college degree, times are tough and my age doesn't help. Rather than just get by here, I would rather live a simple yet rewarding life in a country that I love. A very dear friend runs a school that trains kids to sew and cook and I have offered to teach English to interested students. The pay will be very minimal but the satisfaction of helping them to learn a new language and exposing them to new career choices will more than compensate for this.

Follow me as I share my experiences on this life path. Thanks again for stopping by!